Our Values and Ethos


Below you will find the key vision for our school.

1. High Standards in all we do:

Every child is encouraged to reach their potential, particularly inreading, writing and maths so that they are ready to succeed in secondary school and beyond.

2. An enriched pupil experience:

The curriculum is especially designed to be interesting and engaging through visitors, trips, and practical activities.

3. Creative approaches to learning:

Staff work hard to ensure that lessons fully involve every pupil and motivate them to be an integral part of their own learning.

4. Resilience to challenge

We teach our pupils to approach problems with confidence and use their skills to find solutions.

5. Pride in ourselves and our school

Children have high self-esteem and are proud of their many achievements during their time at our school.


Every summer the governors award trophies to those Year 6 pupils who have demonstrated these values consistently. The names of the winners are etched onto the school shields. As a school we also uphold the British values of democracy, law, liberty, respect and tolerance in all we do. Children often comment to visitors that we are one big Kingsthorne family, please come and visit us and see for yourselves why our school is such a special place.


We have high expectations of pupils behaving well and having an honest approach when dealing with others.


Through lessons, house challenges and pupil leadership we teach children how to work together in groups.


We expect children to think for themselves and have the organisational skills needed for good learning.


Pupils are encouraged to have an optimistic view of the world and join in all activities with enthusiasm.


Pupils are shown that hard work over time results in progress.