“Our educational programmes are all aligned to the National Curriculum and designed by qualified teachers. Bringing learning to life through Aston Villa making our approach innovative and exciting. ” – Aston Villa Foundation.
Kingsthorne has a long standing partnership with Aston Villa. Specialists coaches work within school, delivering high quality sessions to our children. Coaches deliver clubs at lunch times and afterschool, which are free for children to attend. Through this partnerships, small groups have also been able to represent the school in sports competitions, and have also been given the opportunity to attend matches as mascots on game day.
As part of each year group’s wider curriculum responsibility, Year 4 are responsible for helping others. We have a different focus each term so that we get the opportunity to support people in different ways.
This term, we are responsible for running charity events across the school. We plan, advertise and carry out each event. These are:
· Harvest Festival
· Children in Need
· Remembrance Day
· Comic Relief
This term, we are responsible for supporting younger children in school with their reading. We enjoy regularly reading with a reading buddy from EYFS or KS1, either listening to them read a book or reading to them.
This term, we focus on supporting our local community in some way. We will decide on the focus of this as the time draws closer. More details to follow soon…

Remembrance Day

Children in Need

Harvest Festival

Supporting Other Children

Supporting Other Children


Our clubs encourage all children to engage in extra-curricular activities through our lunchtime and after school sports clubs, which are delivered by our in house sports specialist and coaches provided by Aston Villa. We are passionate about the need to teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others, as part of a team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values.
Aston Villa
Aston Villa allow children to develop their football skills further on a Wednesday after school and during lunch time.
We are part of the Kingsbury sport partnership where we aim to offer children the opportunities to take part in a range of competitions outside of school. Our sporting topics have been planned to coincide with School Sports Games competitions, which allow the children to apply their learning from school into competitive scenarios against other children in the community.
Keep an eye out for upcoming competitions.
The competitions we are doing are football, rugby, netball, rounders and tennis.
‘‘I like coming to afterschool clubs because I don’t get to do sport at home.’
‘After school clubs are fun, you get to do new things like archery.’
Pupil Leadership
The Award improves the lives of children in the UK by taking a whole school approach to putting children’s rights at the heart of school policy and practice.”- Unicef
We aim to be a school where children’s rights are at the heart of our ethos and culture, to improve well-being and to develop every child’s talents and abilities to their full potential. As part of this plan, we are working towards recognition as a ‘Rights Respecting School’, an award given to schools on behalf of Unicef UK.
We believe that Rights Respecting School goes beyond the school gates, making a positive impact on the whole community.
- Our children are healthier and happier
- Our children feel safe
- Our children have better relationships
- Our children become active and involved in school life and the wider world
Our pupils will learn about their rights by putting them into practice every day. A Rights Respecting School models rights and respect in all its relationships. At Kingsthorne, each class has nominated their own Rights Respecting Champion who act as our pupil steering group.
They share information about the rights both within and beyond the school community through assemblies, newsletters and displays. The pupil steering group are also working on our Rights Respecting School Award (RRSA) action plan to show how we can embed the rights within our practice.
For further information about Rights Respecting Schools please visit the UNICEF website here.


“We firmly believe that music can have a positive impact on the lives of children which is why we set up Services For Education in the first place” MSfE
At Kingsthorne we believe that all children should have the opportunity to access an enriched curriculum that will immerse them in a wide variety of musical skills and experieces.
The music services teach in Years 4, 5 and 6 to embed the highly skilled music curriculum run by specialist teachers.
Music in Year 4
In Year 4 children have an introduction to brass instruments and music theory with a qualified peripatetic trumpet teacher. This culminates at the end of the school year with a year group performance shared with friends and family. Children with a keen interest can progress further by joining the School Brass Club in years 5 and 6 and many have gone onto receive private tuition, showing a real love for music!
“I like learning to read music and what the notes mean”
“I’m looking forward to performing the songs we’ve learnt for our Year 6 Leavers Show”


“Learning outside the classroom is about raising young people’s achievement through an organised, powerful approach to learning.”
The children have a variety of outdoor learning areas. These include our Quad, which can be used for PE lessons and sporting events. Each playground has its own climbing frame, and playground lines, perfect for burning off energy and creating new games.
Early Years, benefits from its own playground area, with a range of equipment to use, in addition to an early years garden area.
The school has a forest area, with a wide range of trees, which allow the children to relax.
We are part of the Kingsbury sport partnership where we aim to offer children the opportunities to take part in a range of competitions outside of school. Our sporting topics have been planned to coincide with School Sports Games competitions, which allow the children to apply their learning from school into competitive scenarios against other children in the community.
Keep an eye out for upcoming competitions.
The competitions we are doing are football, rugby, netball, rounders and tennis.
Children have previously been able to take part in residential trips to Kingswood, Brecon Beacons, and the Malvern Hills.
This year, Year 5 have the opportunity to take part in a weekend residential trip to Condover Hall. The children will take part in canoeing, climbing, high ropes, fencing and archery challenges.
In order to bring our curriculum to life, we give the children numerous opportunities to take part in a range of trips and visits. Already this year we have seen trips to the Space Centre, the Think Tank, Twycross Zoo, The Hippodrome and the local Gudwara. Later this year the children will be looking forwards to taking part in trips to the National Justice Museum, Sutton Park, The Farm and Birmingham City Centre.