Head Teacher Welcome



Welcome to our fantastic school. Kingsthorne is a happy, friendly and caring place where children, staff, parents and carers work together to achieve the best outcomes for all pupils.

We are lucky to have a school that is culturally rich where children learn from each other as well as the adults. Kingsthorne serves the Kingstanding area of Birmingham and is part of a thriving community. I am proud to be Headteacher of such a good school. Our OFSTED inspection in June 2023 noted “Everyone feels welcome at Kingsthorne. Pupils are friendly and treat each other, staff and visitors with kindness”.

The school is for children from the ages of 4 – 11, can take up to 60 children each year and has a 26 place nursery on site. Children are encouraged to be thoughtful, responsible, compassionate and inquisitive. Learning outside of the classroom is very important and children have multiple opportunities to attend trips and residential visits. Lessons are planned to give each child the opportunity to reach their potential and develop a life-long love of learning. Staff work-hard to ensure pupils have a wide range of experiences and visits throughout their time at the school.

I look forward to meeting you in person.

Andy Leeming


What is our vision for the school?

Every child is encouraged to reach their full potential particularly in the core skills of reading, writing and maths so that they are ready to succeed in secondary school and beyond. We expect and encourage high standards of attendance and behaviour.

The curriculum is especially designed to be interesting and engaging through visitors, trips and practical activities. All children in KS2 have the opportunity to attend a residential experience every year. Children are taught to cook a simple meal and learn basic First Aid.

Staff understand that pupils learn best when they are motivated, interested and engaged. They work hard to create an environment where everyone feels safe and valued.

Every half term the school runs House Challenge Days that include activities such as problem solving, art and cooking. These encourage collaboration and help build resilience.

Kingsthorne is made great by the children and staff that learn and work here. We encourage everyone to feel proud of our school.