"Pupils are friendly and treat each other, staff and visitors with kindness. Pupils behave well in lessons and as they move around the school. They understand the rules and say that adults notice when they do the right things. Pupils are confident that staff will help them with any problems they have. This helps them to feel safe at school." June 2023
At Kingsthorne we believe that fair management of behaviour and a positive approach to solving problems make school a secure, happy and stimulating place for everyone. We aim to provide children with confidence, responsibility and self esteem so they have the skills and strategies to act appropriately in a range of situations both within our school and beyond. We encourage and reward good behaviour through praise, stickers, Headteacher’s awards, Star of the Week certificates and a range of badges and other awards. Children who receive twelve Headteacher’s awards are invited with family members to tea and cakes with the Head, Deputy Head and governors at the end of the year.
Children who consistently display high standards of behaviour are nominated by staff to become a Role Model. There is a set of standards for each year group and new Role Models are awarded with their badges each term in a special assembly.
Our expected standards are that all children:
- Concentrate in lessons
- Complete their work
- Follow instructions straight away
- Sit calmly and listen when asked
- Wear correct school uniform
- Look after school resources
- Walk quietly in school corridors
- Speak politely to others
- Play sensibly without anyone being hurt
- Ask for help if needed
We have a system of sanctions for negative behaviour. Please see the Behaviour Policy for more details on what is expected of children at Kingsthorne and more information about child role models below: