“PSHE education covers core knowledge relating to issues such as personal finance, online and offline safety, relationships, healthy lifestyles, emergency first aid and careers, taught in a way which is appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.” – PSHE Association
- We want to promote children’s moral, social, spiritual, cultural and physical development through a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum.
- We want to develop children’s self-confidence and self-esteem so they can be active and happy members of the school community and wider community.
At Kingsthorne, PSHE is taught through a combination of discreet lessons and wider school opportunities. The curriculum is delivered using the Whole-School My Happy Mind Scheme which is grounded in scientific research and helps children to:
✓ Feel happier
✓ Know what to do when they feel worried or stressed
✓ Improve their focus and learn more
✓ Achieve more of the goals that they set for themselves
✓ Develop better relationships with friends and families
✓ Feel great about who they are and have positive self-esteem
The content is structured against the five modules shown in the diagram below. Each Year group works through the 5 modules allowing for a whole school culture to build. There are also lessons on neurodiversity to enable the whole school community to better understand and embrace diversity.

We have chosen to use My Happy Mind as it offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through scheme of work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area.
Pupil Voice
At Kingsthorne we pride ourselves on being able to share our views and opinions openly and with integrity; My Happy Mind enables us to do this.
Here is a snapshot of what our pupil’s think of My Happy Mind.
The pupils were asked the following three questions:
1. What have you learnt so far in this first unit – Meet Your Brain?
2. What are you enjoying most about My Happy Mind lessons?
3. Do you look forward to your My Happy Mind lessons?
What have you learnt so far in this first unit – Meet Your Brain?

What are you enjoying most about My Happy Mind lessons?

Do you look forward to your My Happy Mind lessons?

What are you enjoying most about My Happy Mind lessons?

Nurturing the brain & mind to be the best versions of ourselves.
PSHE in our school encompasses these five principles:
1. Proactive not reactive
2. Stigma reversing
3. A systematic approach
4. Fun to teach and easy to learn
5. Equitable access for all
“In a world where the mental health of our young is in crisis, we believe that the myHappymind project gives our pupils some of the knowledge and tools to manage these mental health issues themselves as well as understanding when to talk to others and seek help.”