“PSHE education covers core knowledge relating to issues such as personal finance, online and offline safety, relationships, healthy lifestyles, emergency first aid and careers, taught in a way which is appropriate to the age and maturity of pupils.” – PSHE Association
- We want to promote children’s moral, social, spiritual, cultural and physical development through a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum.
- We want to develop children’s self-confidence and self-esteem so they can be active and happy members of the school community and wider community.
At Kingsthorne, PSHE is taught through a combination of discreet lessons and wider school opportunities. The curriculum is delivered using the Whole-School Jigsaw Scheme which has been organised to link with other subjects and provide the children with an immersive experience.
We have chosen to use Jigsaw as it offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through scheme of work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area.
Pupil Voice
At Kingsthorne we pride ourselves on being able to share our views and opinions openly, honestly and with pride; Jigsaw enables us to do this. Here are some of the opinions we shared during our Dreams & Goals and Healthy Me Units, we focussed on these key questions.
Can you tell me about one goal you have set for this year? What are you going to do to achieve your goal?
Can you tell me of a time where you’ve found something a challenge and how you overcame this?
How do you keep yourself healthy?
How can you keep yourself safe?
A Kingsthorne Kindness day- we will support a child in need. We will also support our community
PSHE in School
Children’s PSHE Work
PSHE in School