Pupil Premium is funding provided to schools by the government to address any inequalities between children eligible for free school meals and their peers.
During this academic year 231 pupils were eligible for Pupil Premium. The total payable to the school was £308,712. The money was spent on:
Additional staffing in Year 5 and Year 6 to provide smaller teaching groups for reading, writing and maths.
Intervention groups in all year groups as part of the recovery curriculum to catch up on missed learning.
Investment in phonics training and phonically decodable books to boost pupil progress.
Employment of a Family Support Worker to promote good attendance and support families with barriers to education.
Development of Early Years resources to provide high quality child led learning with a focus on developing speech and language.
During this academic year, 252 pupils were eligible for pupil premium. The total payable to the school for this year was £332,640. Over the year the money was spent on:
Continuing to fund staffing to provide smaller teaching groups and intervention support for reading, writing and maths by providing an extra teaching assistant in years 1-6 as well as extra teaching staff in years 5 & 6.
Working alongside the Birmingham Hippodrome, where pupils watched regular performances and worked with drama specialists to develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing skills as well as working alongside musicians and artists to bring their curriculum alive.
Working alongside the Birmingham School’s Music Service to provide all pupils in year 4 the opportunity to learn to play the trumpet as well as providing an after school brass instruments club for pupils in years 4 & 5.
Providing a free breakfast club every day, ensuring all pupils have the opportunity to have a nutritious breakfast.
Employing a family support worker to actively increase attendance and to support parents to access food banks, specialist support services and Early Help.
Introducing the new ‘Jigsaw Curriculum’ to further develop pupil’s Personal, Social and Health education as well as emotional literacy and social skills.
During the academic year 2018-2019, there were 232 pupils who were eligible for pupil premium, with the total amount payable to school £306,240. Over the course of the year the money was spent on:
Increasing staffing to provide smaller teaching groups and intervention support for reading, writing and maths by providing an extra teaching assistant in years 1-6 as well as extra teaching staff in years 5 & 6.
Working with a drama specialist from the Birmingham Hippodrome to support pupils in developing their speaking and listening, reading and writing.
Working with the School’s Music Service to provide ongoing professional development for the teaching of singing as well as giving every child in year 4 the opportunity to learn to play the trumpet.
Introducing Accelerated Reader across years 3-6 and providing more high quality, challenging texts for pupils.
Working alongside a literacy specialist to review and plan the teaching of writing across years 3-5 as well as team teaching alongside staff.
Providing incentives and rewards for those pupils whose attendance was above the 97% school target, including the annual attendance trip to West Midlands Safari Park.
Working alongside a speech and language therapist in the Early Years to develop vocabulary, basic skills such as speaking in sentences and understanding what they are hearing.