Year 6 Home Support

How Can I Help at Home?

To help further our children’s education, we ask parents to assist with their child’s learning through home support. Here are a few ways in which our parents can help support with their child’s learning.


Valuing Homework and Study Time at Home:

Make it clear that you value homework – set aside a specific time and area for your child to work on their homework.

Make sure your child reads for 20 minutes every day and ask them questions about the text to help their understanding.

Encourage your child to re-tell the story they have just read.

Help them to practise their multiplication and division facts. Support their use of Times Table Rockstars at home.

Help your child practise their spellings each week.


Help Your Child to be Organised:

Have you got your book bag? It needs to be in school every day.

Are ALL your books inside it?

Is your completed homework in there too?

Have you got your full PE kit?